Olmsted County Property Information (2024)

"; var dataletHeaderLink = "" + parid + ""; dataletLink = "Datalets/Datalet.aspx?mode=&UseSearch=no&pin=" + parid + "&jur=" + jur + "&taxyr=" + taxyr; var dataletHeaderHtml = GetAndChangeDataletHeaderOnIdentifyPopUp(pin); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/&/gi,"&"); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/class=/gi,"style='background-color: #F4F4F4;' class="); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(/height="10"/gi,"height='0'"); dataletHeaderHtml = dataletHeaderHtml.replace(parid,dataletHeaderLink); if (hasManyPins) perc = "79"; else perc = "100"; //var dataletHeader = "

" + dataletHeaderHtml + "

" var dataletHeader = "

" + dataletHeaderHtml + "

" //debugger; dataletHeader = dataletHeader + mapLinks; if (hasManyPins) dataletHeader = dataletHeader + identRecNavHtml; var divName = "tc" + String(divN); var divNameHead = divName + "_header"; var divNameTab = divName + "_tab"; require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){ //debugger; tcdn = dijit.byId(divName); if (tcdn!=null) { // Destroy a node byId: domConstruct.destroy(divName); //destroyrecursive? //dojo.destroy("tc1-prog2"); domConstruct.destroy(divNameHead); domConstruct.destroy(divNameTab); //tcdn.destroyRecursive(); } }); divN = divN + 1; divName = "tc" + String(divN); divNameHead = divName + "_header"; divNameTab = divName + "_tab"; require(["dojo/ready", "dijit/layout/TabContainer", "dijit/layout/ContentPane"], function(ready, TabContainer, ContentPane){ ready(function(){ chkDvi = document.getElementById(divName); if (chkDvi==null) { var newDivHolder = dojo.create("div", {}, "tc1-prog2"); newDivHolder.id = divName; var newDivHeader = dojo.create("div", {}, divName); newDivHeader.id = divNameHead; newDivHeader.innerHTML = dataletHeader; var newDivTab = dojo.create("div", {}, divName); newDivTab.id = divNameTab; } var tc = new TabContainer({ style: "height: 100%; width: 100%; border: solid 0px pink; overflow: hidden;", useMenu: false, useSlider: false, }, divNameTab); //debugger; var tabToSelect = null; var tab2Sel = null; var cp1 = new ContentPane({ title: "Parcel", content: "" }); tc.addChild(cp1); tabToSelect = cp1; var cp2 = new ContentPane({ title: "Sales", content: "" }); tc.addChild(cp2); if (curSelectedTab==null && tabToSelect==null) tabToSelect = cp2; else if (curSelectedTab!=null && curSelectedTab.title==cp2.title) tabToSelect = cp2; else tab2Sel = cp2; tc.selectChild(tab2Sel); tc.startup(); tc.selectChild(tabToSelect); tc.watch("selectedChildWidget", function(name, oval, nval){ //debugger; //console.log("selected child changed from ", oval, " to ", nval); curSelectedTab = nval; if (nval.title=="Pictometry") refeshPictTab(); }); currentTabControl = tc; //cp = dijit.byId("tc1-prog").domNode; //cp = document.getElementById("tc1-prog"); finalHtmlContent = newDivHolder; }); }); return finalHtmlContent; }function refeshPictTab() { //alert('"Pictometry"'); picIFrame = document.getElementById('picFrame'); //tail='&r+'+Math.round(Math.random*10000); picIFrame.src = picIFrame.src;// + tail;}var lat;var lon;function SetLatLongForLinks(latitude,longitude) { //debugger; lat = latitude; lon = longitude;}function QueryAGSParcelMapServiceForLatLong(gisPins, geometry) { //debugger; if (pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl.length<1 || pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl.indexOf("maps.akanda.com")>-1) return; var queryTask = new esri.tasks.QueryTask(pictometryParcelServiceQueryUrl); //build query filter var query = new esri.tasks.Query(); query.returnGeometry = true; query.outFields = [targetfieldname]; if (geometry != null) query.geometry = geometry; if (gisPins.length>0) { gisPinsWQuotes = "'" + gisPins.replace(/,/gi,"','") + "'"; var dirty = (new Date()).getTime(); //query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ")"; if (makeQueryWhereDirty) query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ") OR " + targetfieldname + "='" + dirty + "'"; else query.where = targetfieldname + " in (" + gisPinsWQuotes + ")"; } dojo.connect(queryTask, "onError", function(error) { //debugger; er = error; showProgressImage(false); if (error.code==400 && error.details.length>0) { if (error.details[0]=="Unable to perform query. Please check your parameters.") { if (geometry!=null) mesg = "Unable to perform query. You may have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels or you have drawn illegal geometry . Try not to select so many parcels or draw overly complex polygons that crossover or create holes. Please try again."; else mesg = "Unable to perform query. You may have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels. Please try again."; } } else mesg = "Error executing Query. Error: " + error.code + ": " + error.details[0] + " Please try again."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; }); //Can listen for onComplete event to process results or can use the callback option in the queryTask.execute method. dojo.connect(queryTask, "onComplete", function(featureSet) { //debugger; var polysExtent = null; if (featureSet!=null && featureSet.features!=null) featureCount = featureSet.features.length; if (featureCount==0) { mesg = "Could not find parcel from map service. No geographic information exists for this parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } else if (featureCount>=maxQueryFeatures) { mesg = "You have exceeded the maximum number of " + maxQueryFeatures + " selected parcels. Please try again using a smaller selection."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = featureSet.features[i]; if (graphic!=null) { if (polysExtent==null) polysExtent = graphic.geometry.getExtent(); else polysExtent.union(graphic.geometry.getExtent()); //this calculates centerpoint of multiple polys based on the centerpoint of the overall combined extent centerpoint point = polysExtent.getCenter(); if (point!=null && point.x!=null) { latitude = point.y; longitude = point.x; newLatLong = true; } } } if (newLatLong) SetLatLongForLinks(latitude,longitude); else SetLatLongForLinks(null,null); showProgressImage(false); } });queryTask.execute(query);showProgressImage(true);}//var largePhotoShowing = false;var photoTabLarge = document.getElementById('PhotoTabLarge');var skechTabLarge = document.getElementById('SketchTabLarge');function hideLargeSketch() { $("#SketchTabLarge").slideUp(150);}function showLargeSketch(imgEl) { sImgHtml = "

Olmsted County Property Information (22)

"; sImgHtml = sImgHtml + "Olmsted County Property Information (23)"; skechTabLarge.innerHTML = sImgHtml; skechTabLarge.style.left = map.infoWindow.coords.x+'px'; skechTabLarge.style.top = map.infoWindow.coords.y+'px'; $("#SketchTabLarge").slideDown(150); }function hideLargePhoto() { $("#PhotoTabLarge").slideUp(150); //$("#PhotoTabLarge").hide();}function showLargePhoto(imgEl) { //debugger; //var pt = map.toMap(screenPoint); //map.toMap(map.infoWindow.coords.x),map.toMap(map.infoWindow.coords.y) //var pt = new esri.geometry.Point(,map.spatialReference) //var sms = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol().setStyle(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_SQUARE).setColor(new dojo.Color([255,0,0,0.5])); //var attr = {"XCoord":map.infoWindow.coords.x,"YCoord":map.infoWindow.coords.y,"Photo":"123"}; //var infoTemplate = new esri.InfoTemplate("Vernal Pool Locations","Latitude: ${YCoord}
Longitude: ${XCoord}
Plant Name:${Plant}"); //var graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt,sms,attr,infoTemplate); //map.graphics.add(graphic); //largePhotoShowing = true; sImgHtml = "

Olmsted County Property Information (24)

"; sImgHtml = sImgHtml + "Olmsted County Property Information (25)"; photoTabLarge.innerHTML = sImgHtml; photoTabLarge.style.left = map.infoWindow.coords.x+'px'; photoTabLarge.style.top = map.infoWindow.coords.y+'px'; //$("#PhotoTabLarge").show(); $("#PhotoTabLarge").slideDown(150); }//function followMouseDrag(e) {// //debugger;// if (largePhotoShowing) {// photoTabLarge.style.left = map.infoWindow.coords.x;// photoTabLarge.style.top = map.infoWindow.coords.y;// showMessage("X:" + map.infoWindow.coords.x + " Y:" + map.infoWindow.coords.y);// }// //}function GetDataletHtml(name, parId, taxYear, jur, ownerSeq, active){var pars = SoapBuildInputParam("name", name);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("parId", parId);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("taxYear", taxYear);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("jur", jur);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("ownerSeq", ownerSeq);pars += SoapBuildInputParam("active", "Y");var html = SoapInvokeService("../Datalets/Services/DataletServices.asmx", "MakeSimpleDatalet", pars, false); if (html.length<1) return "No Data"; return html;}var winPopupWidth = 450;var winPopupHeight = 350;var winLinkWidth = window.screen.availWidth - 20;var winLinkHeight = window.screen.availHeight -20;var winLinkLeft = 10;var winLinkTop = 10;//var t = screen.height / 2;//var l = screen.height / 2;function LaunchPRMDatalet() { var url = "https://publicaccess.co.olmsted.mn.us/" + dataletLink; window.open(url, '', "_fullscreen=yes, titlebar=yes, location=no, toolbar=yes, status=no, menubar=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes");}function GetDataAndShowPictometry(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } url = POLLinkUrl + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon; //"&lat=44.74275&lon=-93.20669"; sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "https://publicaccess.co.olmsted.mn.us/pictometry/PictometryIPAIFrame.aspx?pin=" + strPin + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; } window.open(url, 'Pictometry', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes");}function GetDataAndShowMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "https://publicaccess.co.olmsted.mn.us/Maps/MapAdv.aspx?pageType=Advanced&fullmap=true&pins=" + strPin + "&parid=" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true"; //&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; //http://localhost/iasworld/Maps/SimpleMap.aspx?pageType=Photo&plotParcelsAsPolys=true&jur=000&parid=001001 J00003 window.open(url, 'Map', 'top=0, left=0, location=no, scrollbars=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, height=' + screenHeight + ', width=' + screenWidth); //window.open(url, 'Map', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //ArcGISMaps/ArcGISMap.aspx?pageType=iAnalyze2Overview&pins=000:L0159G%20A00021:2003&jur=000&taxyr=2003} function GetDataAndShowGoogleMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; //url = "http://maps.google.ca/maps?daddr=" + lat + "," + lon + "&hl=en&ll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&spn=0.001737,0.003259&sll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&sspn=0.006947,0.013036&vpsrc=0&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=h&z=19&iwloc=ddw1";//&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=m&z=19&iwloc=ddw1"; url = "http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=" + lat + "," + lon + "&hl=en&ll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&spn=0.001084,0.001608&sll=" + lat + "," + lon + "&sspn=0.006947,0.013036&vpsrc=6&mra=mift&mrsp=1&sz=17&t=h&z=20&iwloc=ddw1"; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "https://publicaccess.co.olmsted.mn.us/iAnalyzeV2/GoogleMap.aspx?googleMapType=Basic&parids=" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; } window.open(url, 'GoogleMap', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //iAnalyzeV2/GoogleMap.aspx?googleMapType=Basic&parids=L0159G%20A00021&jur=000&taxyr=2003}function GetDataAndShowVEMap(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { strPin = sJur + ":" + sParid + ":" + sTaxyr; if (linksAreExternal) { if (lat==null || lon==null) { mesg = "Cannot not retrieve coordinates for current parcel."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true); return; } sW = winLinkWidth; sH = winLinkHeight; l = winLinkLeft; t = winLinkTop; //url = "http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=" + lat + "~" + lon + "&lvl=19&dir=0&sty=r&rtp=adr.~pos." + lat + "_" + lon + "____a_&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~&form=LMLTCC"; url = "http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=" + lat + "~" + lon + "&lvl=20&dir=0&sty=h&rtp=adr.~pos." + lat + "_" + lon + "____a_&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~&form=LMLTCC"; } else { sW = winPopupWidth; sH = winPopupHeight; l = window.event.clientX; t = window.event.clientY; url = "https://publicaccess.co.olmsted.mn.us/iAnalyzeV2/VirtualEarth.aspx?pin=" + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr + "&fullWindow=true&w=" + sW + "px&h=" + sH + "px"; } window.open(url, 'VEMap', "_fullscreen=yes, top=" + t + ", left=" + l + ", width=" + sW + ", height=" + sH + ", titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, status=no, menubar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes"); //iAnalyzeV2/VirtualEarth.aspx?pin=L0159G%20A00021&jur=000&taxyr=2003}function GetDataKml(sParid,sJur,sTaxyr) { var url = 'GoogleEarth.aspx?pin=' + sParid + "&jur=" + sJur + "&taxyr=" + sTaxyr; url = url + "&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon; window.open(url);}dojo.addOnLoad(init); //add error handler to display any error messages//function errorHandler(error) {// alert(error.message);//}var numExports = 0;var numExported = 0;var layerOpacities = [];var layerTileUrls = [];var tileUrls = [];var dynamicUrls = [];var features = [];function exportMap() { //debugger; layerOpacities = [];layerTileUrls = [];tileUrls = [];dynamicUrls = [];features = [];graphics = ""; showProgressImage(true); lo=0;for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { GetLayerInfoForMerge(layer,lo); lo=lo+1; }} graphics = GetScreenGraphic(); //alert('tileUrls: ' + tileUrls); //alert('dynamicUrls: ' + dynamicUrls); //alert('features: ' + features); //alert('graphics: ' + graphics); //debugger; CombineImageService.CombineImages(dojo.toJson(tileUrls), dojo.toJson(dynamicUrls), dojo.toJson(features), graphics, mapCtrlHeight, mapCtrlWidth, imageFormat, OnComplete2, OnTimeOut2, OnError2); //window.open("StreamAGSJSMapImage.aspx?tileUrls=" + dojo.toJson(tileUrls) + "&dynamicUrls=" + dojo.toJson(dynamicUrls) + "&features=" + dojo.toJson(features) + "&graphics=" + graphics);}function OnComplete2(arg) { showProgressImage(false); document.getElementById("isPrintReady").value = "yesprintready"; if (bPorE=="download") arg = arg + "&forceDownload=true"; document.getElementById("printUrl").value = arg; //extCom = window.external; //debugger; window.open(arg); //window.location = arg;}function OnTimeOut2(arg) { //alert("TimeOut: " + arg); mesg = "TimeOut error occurred:" + arg + ". This error could be due to the Map Server timing out or not supporting the request made. ie.(map server may not support images of this size, check your server settings)."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function OnError2(arg) { //alert("Error: " + arg); mesg = "Error occurred: " + arg; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function GetLayerInfoForMerge(layer,layerOrder) { var extent = this.map.extent; var height = this.map.height; var width = this.map.width; if (false) { //layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) { var candidateTileInfo = esri.TileUtils.getCandidateTileInfo(this.map, layer.tileInfo, extent); var layerTileUrls = []; var tileXOffset = Math.ceil(width / layer.tileInfo.width); var tileYOffset = Math.ceil(height / layer.tileInfo.height); // the internal function name prefix change to __ in v1.5 var delta = this.map._visibleDelta ? this.map._visibleDelta : this.map.__visibleDelta; for ( var x = 0; x <= tileXOffset; x++) { for ( var y = 0; y <= tileYOffset; y++) { var tileUrl = layer.url + "/tile/" + this.map.getLevel() + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y) + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x); layerTileUrls.push( { "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(tileUrl), "row" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y, "col" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x }); } } tileUrls.push( { "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "tiles" : layerTileUrls, "transparency" : layer.opacity, "clipOptions" : { "offsetX" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.x - delta.x, "offsetY" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.y - delta.y, "width" : width, "height" : height } }); } else if (layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer || layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer || layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISImageServiceLayer) { var dynamicUrl = layer.url + "/export?bbox=" + extent.xmin + "," + extent.ymin + "," + extent.xmax + "," + extent.ymax + "&size=" + width + "," + height + "&transparent=true&format=png24&f=image"; if (layer instanceof esri.layers.ArcGISImageServiceLayer) { dynamicUrl = dynamicUrl.replace("export?", "exportImage?"); } else { // handle layer visibility... if (layer.visibleLayers.length > 0) { dynamicUrl += "&layers=show:"; } for ( var i = 0; i < layer.visibleLayers.length; i++) { dynamicUrl += layer.visibleLayers[i]; dynamicUrl += i + 1 < layer.visibleLayers.length ? "," : ""; } } dynamicUrls.push( { "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(dynamicUrl), "width" : this.map.width, "height" : this.map.height, "extent" : this.map.extent, "transparency" : layer.opacity }); } else if (layer instanceof esri.layers.GraphicsLayer) { var geometries = []; var colors = []; var graphics = layer.graphics; for ( var i = 0; i < graphics.length; i++) { var geometry = esri.geometry.toScreenGeometry( extent, width, height, graphics[i].geometry); if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Polygon) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", "rings" : geometry.rings, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Point) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "x" : geometry.x, "y" : geometry.y, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else if (geometry instanceof esri.geometry.Polyline) { geometries.push({ "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolyline", "paths" : geometry.paths, "symbol" : graphics[i].symbol.toJson() }); } else { console.log("Unknown geometry: ", geometry); } colors.push( graphics[i].symbol.color); } features.push({ "layerOrder" : layerOrder, "geometries" : geometries, "colors" : colors, "transparency" : 0.5, "width" : width, "height" : height }); } }function exportMap3() { var extent = this.map.extent; var height = this.map.height; var width = this.map.width; showProgressImage(true); numExports = 0; numExported = 0; var imgParams = new esri.layers.ImageParameters(); imgParams.bbox = extent; imgParams.width = width; imgParams.height = height; imgParams.transparent = false; //base map not transparent var imageList = ""; var tileList = ""; for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { if (numExports>1) imgParams.transparent = true; //layer.setImageFormat("png24"); if (layer.declaredClass=="esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer") { //var layer2 = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer.url, { id: "temp"+j, visible: true }); //layer2.setImageFormat("png24"); //layer2.setOpacity(layer.opacity); //layer = layer2; var candidateTileInfo = esri.TileUtils.getCandidateTileInfo(map, layer.tileInfo, extent); var layerTileUrls = []; var tileXOffset = Math.ceil(width / layer.tileInfo.width); var tileYOffset = Math.ceil(height / layer.tileInfo.height); // the internal function name prefix change to __ in v1.5 var delta = this.map._visibleDelta ? this.map._visibleDelta : this.map.__visibleDelta; for ( var x = 0; x <= tileXOffset; x++) { for ( var y = 0; y <= tileYOffset; y++) { var tileUrl = layer.url + "/tile/" + this.map.getLevel() + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y) + "/" + (candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x); layerTileUrls.push( { "url" : ConvertUrlToAbsolute(tileUrl), "row" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.row + y, "col" : candidateTileInfo.tile.coords.col + x }); } } tileUrls.push( { "tiles" : layerTileUrls, "transparency" : layer.opacity, "clipOptions" : { "offsetX" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.x - delta.x, "offsetY" : candidateTileInfo.tile.offsets.y - delta.y, "width" : width, "height" : height } }); } else { layer.setImageFormat("png24"); layerOpacities.push(layer.opacity); numExports = numExports + 1; layer.exportMapImage(imgParams, function (mapImage) { //debugger; if (imageList.length>0) imageList += "$"; //if (imageList.length>0) imageList = "$" + imageList; imageList += mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported]; //imageList = mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported] + imageList numExported = numExported + 1; if (numExported==numExports) { //Get screen graphics imageList += "|" + GetScreenGraphic(); //ajax call the web service to blend images //alert(imageList); //alert(tileUrls); CombineImageService.CombineImageList(imageList, tileUrls, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); } }); } }}}function ConvertUrlToAbsolute(url) { if (url) { if (url.indexOf("http") != 0) { var escapeHTML = function (s) { return s.split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('"').join('"'); }; var el= document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML= 'x'; url = el.childNodes[0].href; } } return url;}function exportMap2() { showProgressImage(true); numExports = 0; numExported = 0; var imgParams = new esri.layers.ImageParameters(); imgParams.bbox = map.extent; imgParams.width = map.width; imgParams.height = map.height; imgParams.transparent = false; //base map not transparent var imageList = ""; for (var j = 0, jl = map.layerIds.length; j < jl; j++) { var layer = map.getLayer(map.layerIds[j]); if (layer.visible) { if (numExports>1) imgParams.transparent = true; //layer.setImageFormat("png24"); if (layer.declaredClass=="esri.layers.ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer") { var layer2 = new esri.layers.ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer.url, { id: "temp"+j, visible: true }); layer2.setImageFormat("png24"); layer2.setOpacity(layer.opacity); layer = layer2; } else layer.setImageFormat("png24"); layerOpacities.push(layer.opacity); numExports = numExports + 1; layer.exportMapImage(imgParams, function (mapImage) { //debugger; if (imageList.length>0) imageList += "$"; //if (imageList.length>0) imageList = "$" + imageList; imageList += mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported]; //imageList = mapImage.href + ";" + layerOpacities[numExported] + imageList numExported = numExported + 1; if (numExported==numExports) { //Get screen graphics imageList += "|" + GetScreenGraphic(); //ajax call the web service to blend images //alert(imageList); CombineImageService.CombineImageList(imageList, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); //SimpleService.BlendImageList(imageList, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError); } }); } }}function PushGraphicsFromLayersToMapGraphicLayer() { for (var l=0; l= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_circle_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplemarkersymbol_square_") >= 0) { graphicType = "SQUARE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_square_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplemarkersymbol_x_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CROSS"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplemarkersymbol_x_", ""); } //'undefined' means text or picture symbol - check with new ESRI JS release else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("textsymbol_undefined_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; graphicText = graphics[i].symbol.text; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("textsymbol_undefined_", ""); } //replace rgb with picture url else if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("picturemarkersymbol_undefined_") >= 0) { graphicType = "CIRCLE"; graphicText = graphics[i].symbol.width + "-" + graphics[i].symbol.height; rgb = graphics[i].symbol.url; } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; point = new esri.geometry.Point(graphics[i].geometry.x, graphics[i].geometry.y, map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += graphicText + ";" + screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "$"; } else if (type === "line" || type === "polyline") { graphicSymbol = (graphics[i].symbol.type + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.style + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.color.b); graphicText = ""; rgb = ""; if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplelinesymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "LINE"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplelinesymbol_solid_", ""); } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; for (var p = 0; p < graphics[i].geometry.paths.length; p++) { for (var j = 0; j < graphics[i].geometry.paths[p].length; j++) { xy = graphics[i].geometry.paths[p][j]; point = new esri.geometry.Point(parseFloat(xy[0]), parseFloat(xy[1]), map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "%"; } } graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$"; } else if (type === "polygon") { graphicSymbol = (graphics[i].symbol.type + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.style + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol.outline.color.b); graphicText = ""; rgb = ""; //polygon with fills - with limited support of predefined style - must add here if new style is added if (graphics[i].symbol._fill != null) { graphicSymbol += "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.r + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.g + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.b + "_" + graphics[i].symbol._fill.a; //Format:simplefillsymbol_solid_255_0_0_255_255_0_0.5 (outline rgb + fill rgbr) if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplefillsymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "FILLPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_solid_", ""); } } else {//Polygon without fill if (graphicSymbol.indexOf("simplefillsymbol_solid_") >= 0) { graphicType = "HOLLOWPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_solid_", ""); } else if (graphicSymbol == "simplefillsymbol_dashdot_") { graphicType = "DASHPOLYGON"; rgb = graphicSymbol.replace("simplefillsymbol_dashdot_", ""); } } graphicList += graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; var uniqueList = []; for (var k = 0; k < graphics[i].geometry.rings.length; k++) { for (var l = 0; l < graphics[i].geometry.rings[k].length; l++) { xy = graphics[i].geometry.rings[k][l]; //prevent drawing from 1st to last point if (IsInList(uniqueList, xy[0] + "," + xy[1]) == true) { graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$" + graphicType + ";" + rgb + ";"; uniqueList = []; } else { uniqueList.push(xy[0] + "," + xy[1]); point = new esri.geometry.Point(parseFloat(xy[0]), parseFloat(xy[1]), map.spatialReference); screenPoint = map.toScreen(point); graphicList += screenPoint.x + "," + screenPoint.y + "%"; } } } graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); graphicList += "$"; } } //remove last $ graphicList = graphicList.substring(0, graphicList.length - 1); return graphicList;}//Is an item in the listfunction IsInList(list, item) { for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i] == item) { return true; } } return false;}function OnComplete(arg) { showProgressImage(false); //dojo.byId("BlendedImage").innerHTML = "Download blended image"; window.open(arg);}function OnTimeOut(arg) { //alert("TimeOut: " + arg); mesg = "TimeOut error occurred:" + arg + ". This error could be due to the Map Server timing out or not supporting the request made. ie.(map server may not support images of this size, check your server settings)."; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function OnError(arg) { //alert("Error: " + arg); mesg = "Error occurred: " + arg; ShowMessage(mesg,true,true);}function GetAndChangeDataletHeaderOnIdentifyPopUp(pin) { //debugger; var showBlankIdentifyHeaderOnError = false; var pars4 = SoapBuildInputParam("searchIndex", sIndex); pars4 += SoapBuildInputParam("pin", pin);newDataletHeaderHtml = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewPinDataletHeaderHtml", pars4); if (newDataletHeaderHtml.indexOf("Error") > -1) { if (showBlankIdentifyHeaderOnError) return ""; var pars5 = SoapBuildInputParam("searchIndex", sIndex); pars5 += SoapBuildInputParam("pin", sPins); newDataletHeaderHtml = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewPinDataletHeaderHtml", pars5); } //var dh = document.getElementById("dataletHeaderIdentifyPopUp"); //if (dh!=null) //{ // dh.innerHTML = newDataletHeaderHtml; //} return newDataletHeaderHtml;}///****ACX Map Callsvar orgList = "";var origSel = "";var ACParcels; //"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl" var ACSelectedParcels;var ACCurrentParcel;//var ACGISParcels; //"gispin" //var ACGISSelectedParcels;//var ACGISCurrentParcel = "";var taskCount = 0;var selectedtaskCount = 0;var mappedtaskCount = 0;var listDetailsSpan = document.getElementById('listDetails');var isPlottingACList = false;var XYMissing = false;//"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl"function InitializeList(list, selected, current) { //debugger; //alert("InitializeList: list:" + list); //if (map==null) return; isPlottingACList = true; //debugger; orgList = list; origSel = selected; selectionMode = "Normal"; clearMap(false); selectionMode = "InList"; //ACParcels = list//.split(","); //ACSelectedParcels = selected//.split(","); //ACCurrentParcel = current; //alert("InitializeList: list:" + list); //alert("InitializeList: selected:" + selected); //alert("InitializeList: current:" + current); //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(list); //ACGISSelectedParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(selected); //ACGISCurrentParcel = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(current); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,list); //ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISSelectedParcels,selected); //ACCurrentParcel = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISCurrentParcel,current); ACParcels = list;//ACParcels = GetNewACList(list); ACSelectedParcels = selected;//ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACList(selected); //ACCurrentParcel = GetNewACList(current); //XYMissing = ACParcelListHasXY(ACParcels) gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); if (gisPins==null || gisPins.length<1) ShowMessage("The Parcel GIS key and/or xy centroid coordinates were not found in the View.",true,true); //alert("InitializeList: " + ACParcels.length + " recs in List:" + list + " Selected: " + selected + " Current: " + current); if (UpdateListDetails()>maxMappedParcels) { //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(selected); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,selected); //ACParcels = selected; //ACParcels = GetNewACList(selected); //gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); //listsize = UpdateListDetails(); if (UpdateListDetails()>maxMappedParcels) { //gisPins = ACGISParcels = GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(""); //ACParcels = GetNewACListFromGISPinList(ACGISParcels,""); ACParcels = ""; //GetNewACList(""); gisPins=""; UpdateListDetails(); //ShowMessage("Unable to map list or selected. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list.",true,true); ShowMessage("Unable to map list. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list.",true,true); } //else { // ShowMessage("Unable to map entire list. You have exceeded the maximum of " + maxMappedParcels + " parcels.\nPlease try filtering your list. Only selected parcels will now be mapped.",true,true); // gisPins = GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(ACParcels); // CreateAndMapFeatureSet(ACParcels);//initQuery(map, false, false, null, false); //} } else CreateAndMapFeatureSet(ACParcels);//initQuery(map, false, false, null, false); //debugger;}var start;function GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin(NewACListWithGISPin) { if (NewACListWithGISPin.length<1) return; //start = +new Date(); //"jur:parid:taxyr:taskid:taskiconurl:usericonurl:gispin" NewACListWithGISPinAr = NewACListWithGISPin.split(","); gisPinsCsv = ""; XCsv = ""; for (var l=0; l0) XYMissing = false; else XYMissing = true; if (gisPinsCsv.length<1) ShowMessage("No GIS Pins found. Please make sure the Activity Center Grid has the GIS Pins configured correctly.",true,true); //EndAndReportTime('GetGISPinsFromNewACListWithGISPin'); return gisPinsCsv;}function ACParcelListHasXY(NewACListWithGISPinAndXY) { NewACListWithGISPinAndXYAr = NewACListWithGISPinAndXY.split(","); XCsv = ""; x = ""; for (var l=0; l0) return true; else return false;}var dvT = document.getElementById("dvTiming");function EndAndReportTime(funcName) { return; //debugger; end = +new Date(); diff = end - start; diff = diff / 60 / 60; msg = funcName + ": " + diff; dvT.innerHTML = dvT.innerHTML + " : " + msg;}//function GetNewACList(aList) {// // return GetNewAcListWithGISPin(aList);//}//function GetNewAcListWithGISPin(ACListIn) {// if (ACListIn==null || ACListIn.length<1) return "";// //debugger;// replaceAmpersand = false;// if (ACListIn.indexOf("&")>0) {// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/\//g,'123abc');// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/\?/g,'123abc');// ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/&/g,'123abc');// //ACListIn = ACListIn.replace(/=/g,'123abc');// replaceAmpersand = true;// }// //alert(ACListIn);// //ACListIn = "54:00728861:2011:201:myurl1:myurl2,54:06186009:2011:202:myurl3:myurl4,54:02002329:2011:203:myurl1:myurl2,54:05974534:2011:204:myurl1:myurl2,54:08961182:2011:205:myurl1:myurl2,54:08987939:2011:206:myurl1:myurl2,54:09888039:2011:207:myurl1:myurl2";// var pars = SoapBuildInputParam("ACList", ACListIn);// //pars += SoapBuildInputParam("unselPins", unselPins);// NewACList = SoapInvokeService("../Search/Services/SearchServices.asmx", "GetNewAcListWithGISPin", pars);// //alert(NewACList)// if (replaceAmpersand) NewACList = NewACList.replace(/123abc/g,"&");// //alert(NewACList);// return NewACList;//}function UpdateListDetails() { //debugger; //if (orgList!=null && orgList.length>0 && orgList.indexOf(",")>-1) taskCount = orgList.split(",").length; //else if (orgList.length>0) taskCount = 1; //else taskCount = 0; //if (origSel!=null && origSel.length>0 && origSel.indexOf(",")>-1) selectedtaskCount = origSel.split(",").length; //else if (origSel.length>0) selectedtaskCount = 1; //else selectedtaskCount = 0; if (gisPins!=null && gisPins.length>0 && gisPins.toString().indexOf(",")>-1) mappedtaskCount = gisPins.split(",").length; else if (gisPins!=null && gisPins.length>0) mappedtaskCount = 1; else mappedtaskCount = 0; //ACSelectedParcels if (ACSelectedParcels!=null && ACSelectedParcels.length>0 && ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(",")>-1) mappedSelectedtaskCount = ACSelectedParcels.split(",").length; else if (ACSelectedParcels!=null && ACSelectedParcels.length>0) mappedSelectedtaskCount = 1; else mappedSelectedtaskCount = 0; //listDetailsSpan.innerHTML = "List Size:" + taskCount + "Mapped:" + mappedFeatures;//"Selected: " + string(origSel); listDetailsSpan.innerHTML = mappedSelectedtaskCount + " of " + mappedFeatures + " selected on map"; return mappedtaskCount;}//function GetNewGISPinsFromACPins(pins) {// //debugger;// if (pins==null) return "";// if (pins.length<1) return "";// ACPinsAr = pins.split(",");// newpins = "";// for (var l=0; l-1) {// if (newacList.length<1) newacList = acListAr[m];// else newacList = newacList + "," + acListAr[m];// break;// }// }// }// return newacList;//}function GetACMarkerSymbolUrl(gispin) { //debugger; fullpin = ""; current = false; selected = false; //pin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin); //if (pin.indexOf(",")>-1) pin = pin.split(",")[0]; //if (ACCurrentParcel.indexOf(gispin)>-1) { // fullpin = ACCurrentParcel; // current = true; //} //else if (ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(gispin)>-1) { //acGisPinAr = ACGISSelectedParcels.split(","); acPinAr = ACSelectedParcels.split(","); for (var l=0; l-1) { fullpin = acPinAr[l]; selected = true; } } } else { //acGisPinAr = ACGISParcels.split(","); acPinAr = ACParcels.split(","); for (var l=0; l-1) fullpin = acPinAr[l]; } } if (fullpin.length<1) { //alert("GetACMarkerSymbolUrl: gispin=" + gispin + " , pin=" + pin); //return ""; } fullPinAr = fullpin.split(":"); url = fullPinAr[4]; viewbyObj = document.getElementById('viewtasksby'); if (viewbyObj!=null && viewbyObj.value=="Assignee") {url = fullPinAr[5]; url = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("&sel=")); //if (current) url = url + "&sel=2"; //else if (selected) url = url + "&sel=1"; else url = url + "&sel=0"; } else { //if (current) url = url.replace(".", "_F."); //else if (selected) url = url.replace(".", "_S."); } url = appLoc + "/" + url; return url;}function GetACItemFromListByGISPin(gisPin) { ParcelsAr = ACParcels.split(","); for (var p=0; p-1) { return ParcelsAr[p]; } } return "";}function zoomToSelectedParcelsInList() { //debugger; showProgressImage(true); if (selectedInListExtent!=null) map.setExtent(selectedInListExtent, true); //if (map.getLevel()==9) map.setLevel(8); showProgressImage(false);}function AddSelected(selected) { //lert('AddSelected:'+selected); //debugger; //ACSelectedParcels = GetNewACList(selected); if (selected.indexOf(":")==-1) { selected = GetACItemFromListByGISPin(selected); } //alert('AddSelected2:'+selected); SelectedParcelsAr = selected.split(','); //GetNewACList(selected).split(','); for (var l=0; l0) { if (ACSelectedParcels.indexOf(SelectedParcelsAr[p])==-1) { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels + "," + SelectedParcelsAr[p]; } } else { ACSelectedParcels = SelectedParcelsAr[p]; } gph.setSymbol(GetCorrectSymbol(aGisPin)); break; } } } //} //catch(e){}; }} }function RemoveSelected(selected) { //debugger; if (selected.indexOf(":")==-1) { selected = GetACItemFromListByGISPin(selected); } SelectedParcelsAr = selected.split(','); //GetNewACList(selected).split(','); gLayersCount = map.graphicsLayerIds.length; for (var ll=0; ll-1) { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels.replace(SelectedParcelsAr[p]+",",""); } else { ACSelectedParcels = ACSelectedParcels.replace(","+SelectedParcelsAr[p],""); } //else ACGISSelectedParcels = ACGISSelectedParcels.replace(aGISSelectedParcel,""); gph2.setSymbol(GetCorrectSymbol(aGisPin3)); break; } } } //} //catch(e){}; }}}function ChangeCurrent(current) { return; //alert('ChangeCurrent:'+current); oldCurrentParcel = ACCurrentParcel; ACCurrentParcel = current;//GetNewACList(current); newFound = false; oldFound = false; //debugger; for (var l=0; l-1) { ACParcelAr = ACParcelsAr[l].split(':'); gridpin = ACParcelAr[0] + ":" + ACParcelAr[1] + ":" + ACParcelAr[2]; break; } } return gridpin;}function SelectParcelInGrid(gispin,ACPin) { //debugger; //alert("SelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin); //gridpin = GetGridPin(gispin); //gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.AddSelected(ACPin); //silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.SelectParcel('000:043006 00010:2008'); //alert("Silverlight AddSelected:" + gridpin); }}//function SelectParcelInGrid(gispin) {// //debugger;// //alert("SelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin);// gridpin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin);// gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin);// if (silverlightApplication == null) alert("Silverlight application not found");// else {// silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.AddSelected(gridpin);// //silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.SelectParcel('000:043006 00010:2008');// //alert("Silverlight AddSelected:" + gridpin);// }//}function UnSelectParcelInGrid(gispin,ACPin) { //alert("UnSelectParcelInGrid:" + gispin); //gridpin = GetNewPinsFromGisPins(gispin); //gridpin = CheckCorrectTaxYear(gridpin); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.RemoveSelected(ACPin); //alert("Silverlight RemoveSelected:" + gridpin); }}function ClearSelectedParcelsInGrid() { UpdateListDetails(); //alert("ClearSelectedParcelsInGrid"); if (silverlightApplication == null) ShowMessage("Activity Center silverlight application unreachable, please shut down the application and try again.",true,true); else { silverlightApplication.Content.ActivityCentre.ClearSelected(); //alert("Silverlight ClearSelected"); }}function updateViewTasksBy(tasksby) { //alert('updateViewTasksBy:'+tasksby); if (map==null) return; for (var l=0; l-1 || units.toUpperCase().indexOf("foot")) units = "FOOT"; else if (units.toUpperCase().indexOf("meter")>-1 || units.toUpperCase().indexOf("metre")) units = "METER"; try { selUnits.value = "UNIT_"+units.toUpperCase(); } catch(e){}; if (selUnits.value.length>0) { changeBufUsing(document.getElementById("bufUsing2"),ChangeSelectionTypeCallBack); } } }function ChangeSelectionTypeCallBack() { Buffer(BufferCurrentParcelsOnMapDone);}function BufferCurrentParcelsOnMapDone() { JsMapCallBackFunction3(GetCurrentlySelectedParcelsOnMap());}//function SetNumberOfParcels(pins) {// if (pins!="") numOfParcelsSelectedOnMap = 1;// pinAr = pins.split(',');// if (pinAr!=null) {// if (pinAr.length>1) numOfParcelsSelectedOnMap = pinAr.length; // }//}function GetCurrentlySelectedParcelsOnMap() { //returns the currently selected parcels on the map in format JUR:PARID:TAXYEAR,JUR:PARID:TAXYEAR... //return document.getElementById("hdPins").value;//document.getElementById('pins').value; return sPins;}function ValidateParam(val,name) { if (val.length<1) { ShowMessage("Paramater " + name + " cannot be empty.",true,true); //throw("Paramater " + name + " cannot be empty."); return false; } return true;}var photoGraphicsLayer = null;var originalParcelExtent = null;function PlotPhotoLatLong(gpslat,gpslng, subjectlat, subjectlng) { if (photoGraphicsLayer!=null) { photoGraphicsLayer.clear(); map.removeLayer(photoGraphicsLayer); photoGraphicsLayer=null; } if (originalParcelExtent==null) originalParcelExtent = selectedExtent; selectedExtent = null; docPhotoId = "9999"; //debugger; gpslat = Number(gpslat); gpslng = Number(gpslng); //if (gpslng>0) gpslng = Number(gpslng) * -1; subjectlat = Number(subjectlat); subjectlng = Number(subjectlng); //if (subjectlng>0) subjectlng = Number(subjectlng) * -1; var features = []; var geometries = []; //attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":999}; convertGeometriesViaGeometryService=false; if (isMapInWebMercator) { if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); } if (subjectlat!=0 && subjectlng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(subjectlng, subjectlat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); } } else { if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 //latlong//new esri.geometry.Point(xloc,yloc,map.spatialReference) attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(pt); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoGPSLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(polCenter); } if (subjectlat!=0 && subjectlng!=0) { pt = new esri.geometry.Point(subjectlng, subjectlat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 })); attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(pt,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(pt); } else if (polCenter!=null) { attr = {"PIN":gisPins,"Parid":sPins,"DocPhotoId":docPhotoId,"PointType":'PhotoSubjectLocation'}; features.push(new esri.Graphic(polCenter,null,attr,null)); geometries.push(polCenter); } convertGeometriesViaGeometryService = true; } var featureSet = new esri.tasks.FeatureSet(); featureSet.features = features; featureCount = featureSet.features.length; //alert(featureCount); if (convertGeometriesViaGeometryService) { gServ = esri.tasks.GeometryService(geometryServiceUrl); //gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, ConvertedGeometries, ConvertGeometriesError); gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, function(featuresProj) { for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { graphic = featureSet.features[i]; graphic.geometry = featuresProj[i]; } MapPhoto(featureSet, map, false, null); }); } else { MapPhoto(featureSet, map, false, null); }} function MapPhoto(featureSet, map, doNotGotoExtent, callbackfunc) { ShowMessage("",false); ShowMessage("",false,true); //map.graphics.enableMouseEvents(); if (map==null) return; featureCount = 0; mappedFeatures = 0; if (featureSet!=null && featureSet.features!=null) featureCount = featureSet.features.length; if (featureCount<1) { ShowMessage("No photo plot found for this record.",true,true); showProgressImage(false); return; } else if (featureCount>=maxQueryFeatures) { ShowMessage("You have exceeded the maximum number of " + maxQueryFeatures + " selected parcels.\nPlease try again using a smaller selection.",true,true); showProgressImage(false); return; } if (true) { //clearMap(); if (photoGraphicsLayer==null) photoGraphicsLayer = new esri.layers.GraphicsLayer(); //QueryTask returns a featureSet. Loop through features in the featureSet and add them to the map. for (var i = 0; i < featureCount; i++) { //Get the current feature from the featureSet. //Feature is a graphic var graphic = featureSet.features[i]; if (graphic.geometry.type=="point") { geometryIsPoints = true; //debugger; if (selectedExtent==null) { selectedExtent = originalParcelExtent; // //ymin = graphic.geometry.y; // //ymax = graphic.geometry.y; // //xmin = graphic.geometry.x; // //xmax = graphic.geometry.x; // //offset = 0.00001; // //photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); // //selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, map.spatialReference); } //else { //if (originalParcelExtent==null) originalParcelExtent = selectedExtent; //if (graphic.geometry.yymax) ymax = graphic.geometry.y; //if (graphic.geometry.xxmax) xmax = graphic.geometry.x; ymin = graphic.geometry.y; ymax = graphic.geometry.y; xmin = graphic.geometry.x; xmax = graphic.geometry.x; offset = 0.00001; photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); //selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, map.spatialReference); selectedExtent = selectedExtent.union(photoExtent); //} } if (false) {//(plotParcelsAsPoints) { if (graphic.geometry.type=="polygon") graphic.geometry = graphic.geometry.getExtent().getCenter(); graphic.setSymbol(GetMarkerSymbol(graphic.attributes.PointType)); } //else graphic.setSymbol(GetPolySymbol("photo")); graphic.setSymbol(GetMarkerSymbol(graphic.attributes.PointType)); //graphic.setInfoTemplate(infoTemplate); //Add graphic to the counties graphics layer. photoGraphicsLayer.add(graphic); mappedFeatures = mappedFeatures +1; } map.addLayer(photoGraphicsLayer); if (featureCount>0 && selectedExtent!=null) { if (!doNotGotoExtent) { //if (mappedFeatures==1 && geometryIsPoints) { // offset = 0.00001; // selectedExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); //} if (selectedExtent!=null) map.setExtent(selectedExtent.expand(zoomToSelectedExtentExpandFactor), true); } } showProgressImage(false); //if (callbackfunc!=null) callbackfunc(); //listen for when the onMouseOver event fires on the parcelGraphicsLayer //when fired, create a new graphic with the geometry from the event.graphic and add it to the maps graphics layer dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseDown", function(evt) { //debugger; map.disableMapNavigation(); RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); MakeGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); }); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseMove", function(evt) { // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onClick", function(evt) { // debugger; // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseOver", function(evt) { // //debugger; // map.disableMapNavigation(); // MakeGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseOut", function(evt) { // //debugger; // map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); //dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseDrag", function(evt) { // //debugger; // //map.enableMapNavigation(); // RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); //}); dojo.connect(photoGraphicsLayer, "onMouseUp", function(evt) { //debugger; map.enableMapNavigation(); RemoveGraphicMoveable(evt.graphic); evt.graphic.geometry.x = evt.mapPoint.x; evt.graphic.geometry.y = evt.mapPoint.y; var newGraphic = new esri.Graphic(evt.graphic.geometry, evt.graphic.symbol, evt.graphic.attributes, null); photoGraphicsLayer.remove(evt.graphic); photoGraphicsLayer.add(newGraphic); SendUpdatedPointInfoBackToPhotoControl(newGraphic); ymin = newGraphic.geometry.y; ymax = newGraphic.geometry.y; xmin = newGraphic.geometry.x; xmax = newGraphic.geometry.x; offset = 0.00001; photoExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(xmin+offset, ymin-offset, xmax-offset, ymax+offset, map.spatialReference); selectedExtent = originalParcelExtent.union(photoExtent); showProgressImage(false); }); } function SendUpdatedPointInfoBackToPhotoControl(aPointGrahphic) { //debugger; pointType = aPointGrahphic.attributes.PointType; pt = aPointGrahphic.geometry; if (isMapInWebMercator) { pt = esri.geometry.webMercatorToGeographic(pt); } else { //pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 //latlong//new esri.geometry.Point(xloc,yloc,map.spatialReference) geometries.push(pt); gServ = esri.tasks.GeometryService(geometryServiceUrl); //gServ.project(geometries, map.spatialReference, ConvertedGeometries, ConvertGeometriesError); gServ.project(geometries, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }), function(featuresProj) { if (featuresProj.length>0) { pt.geometry = featuresProj[0]; } }); } newLng = pt.x; newLat = pt.y; parent.UpdatePhotoLocation(pointType, newLat, newLng); } var moveStopToken; function RemoveGraphicMoveable(graphic) { dojo.disconnect(moveStopToken); } function MakeGraphicMoveable(graphic) { // Make the shape moveable var dojoShape = graphic.getDojoShape(); var moveable = new dojox.gfx.Moveable(dojoShape); // Update the geometry at the end of move moveStopToken = dojo.connect(moveable, "onMoveStop", function(mover) { // Get the transformation that was applied to // the shape since the last move var tx = dojoShape.getTransform(); var startPoint = graphic.geometry; var endPoint = map.toMap(map.toScreen(startPoint).offset(tx.dx, tx.dy)); // clear out the transformation dojoShape.setTransform(null); // update the graphic geometry graphic.setGeometry(endPoint); dojo.disconnect(moveStopToken); }); } } function GetImageDetailsViaImageChange() { if (parent.imageChanged!=null) parent.imageChanged(-1); } //geolocation var graphic; var currLocation; var watchId; function locate(map) { //debugger; if(navigator.geolocation){ navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(zoomToLocation, locationError); watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(showLocation, locationError); } else { alert("Your browser does not support geolocation.") } } function locationError(error) { //error occurred so stop watchPosition if(navigator.geolocation){ navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchId); } switch (error.code) { case error.PERMISSION_DENIED: alert("Location not provided"); break; case error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: alert("Current location not available"); break; case error.TIMEOUT: alert("Timeout"); break; default: alert("unknown error"); break; } } function showLocation(location) { //alert('showLocation'); //zoom to the users location and add a graphic var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); if (!graphic) { addGraphic(pt); } else { //move the graphic if it already exists graphic.setGeometry(pt); } //map.centerAt(pt); } function addGraphic(pt){ var symbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 22, new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new dojo.Color([51, 102, 255, 0.5]), 8), new dojo.Color([51, 102, 255, 0.9]) //new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.5]), 8), //ornage //new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.9]) ); graphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, symbol); map.graphics.add(graphic); } //var gPt=null; function zoomToLocation(location) { showLocation(location); var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); //addGraphic(pt); //gPt = pt; //map.centerAt(pt); //map.centerAndZoom(pt, 12); map.centerAndZoom(pt, 18); } //function zoomToLocation(location) { // //debugger; // if (location==null) return; // //var pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(new esri.geometry.Point(location.coords.longitude, location.coords.latitude)); // gpslat = location.coords.latitude; // gpslng = location.coords.longitude; // if (isMapInWebMercator) { // if (gpslat!=0 && gpslng!=0) { // pt = new esri.geometry.Point(gpslng, gpslat, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 4326 }));//4326 // pt = esri.geometry.geographicToWebMercator(pt); // } // } // //pt.symbol = geoMarker; // //geoLocationGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt.geometry, geoMarker); // var geoLocationSymbol = new esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 12, // new esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol(esri.symbol.SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, // new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.5]), 8), // new dojo.Color([210, 105, 30, 0.9]) // ); // geoLocationGraphic = new esri.Graphic(pt, geoLocationSymbol); // //geoLocation = pt; // map.centerAt(pt); // //map.centerAndZoom(pt, 18) // //offset = 0.00001; // //ptExtent = new esri.geometry.Extent(pt.x+offset, pt.y-offset, pt.x-offset, pt.y+offset, map.spatialReference); // //if (ptExtent!=null) map.setExtent(ptExtent); // map.graphics.add(geoLocationGraphic); //}
Olmsted County Property Information (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.